Package 'Rage'

Title: Life History Metrics from Matrix Population Models
Description: Functions for calculating life history metrics using matrix population models ('MPMs'). Described in Jones et al. (2021) <doi:10.1101/2021.04.26.441330>.
Authors: Patrick Barks [aut] , Danny Buss [ctb], Pol Capdevila [aut] , Hal Caswell [aut] , Judy P. Che-Castaldo [aut] , Richard A. Hinrichsen [aut] , John Jackson [aut] , Tamora James [aut] , Owen Jones [aut, cre] , Sam Levin [aut] , William K. Petry [aut] , Roberto Salguero-Gomez [aut] , Caroline Schuette [ctb] , Iain Stott [aut] , Chelsea C. Thomas [aut] , Christina M. Hernández [aut] , Lotte de Vries [aut] , Stefano Giaimo [aut]
Maintainer: Owen Jones <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.8.0
Built: 2025-02-19 05:45:41 UTC

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Calculate age-specific traits from a matrix population model


These functions use age-from-stage decomposition methods to calculate age-specific survivorship (lx), survival probability (px), mortality hazard (hx), or reproduction (mx) from a matrix population model (MPM). A detailed description of these methods can be found in sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 of Caswell (2001). A separate function mpm_to_table uses the same methods to calculate a full life table.


  matR = NULL,
  matF = NULL,
  matC = NULL,
  start = 1L,
  xmax = 1000,
  lx_crit = 0.01,
  tol = 1e-04

mpm_to_lx(matU, start = 1L, xmax = 1000, lx_crit = 0.01, tol = 1e-04)

mpm_to_px(matU, start = 1L, xmax = 1000, lx_crit = 0.01, tol = 1e-04)

mpm_to_hx(matU, start = 1L, xmax = 1000, lx_crit = 0.01, tol = 1e-04)



The survival component of a MPM (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both). If matR is not provided, it will be constructed by summing matF and matC.


The matrix reflecting sexual reproduction. If provided without matC, matC is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The matrix reflecting clonal (asexual) reproduction. If provided without matF, matF is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Defaults to 1. Alternately, a numeric vector giving the starting population vector (in which case length(start) must match ncol(matU)). See section Starting from multiple stages.


Maximum age to which age-specific traits will be calculated (defaults to 1000).


Minimum value of lx to which age-specific traits will be calculated (defaults to 0.01).


To account for floating point errors that occasionally lead to values of lx slightly greater than 1, values of lx within the open interval (1, 1 + tol) are coerced to 1. Defaults to 0.0001. To prevent coercion, set tol to 0.


A vector

Starting from multiple stages

Rather than specifying argument start as a single stage class from which all individuals start life, it may sometimes be desirable to allow for multiple starting stage classes. For example, if users want to start their calculation of age-specific traits from reproductive maturity (i.e., first reproduction), they should account for the possibility that there may be multiple stage classes in which an individual could first reproduce.

To specify multiple starting stage classes, users should specify argument start as the desired starting population vector (n1), giving the proportion of individuals starting in each stage class (the length of start should match the number of columns in the relevant MPM).

See function mature_distrib for calculating the proportion of individuals achieving reproductive maturity in each stage class.


Note that the units of time for the returned vectors (i.e., x) are the same as the projection interval (ProjectionInterval) of the MPM.

The output vector is calculated recursively until the age class (x) reaches xmax or survivorship (lx) falls below lx_crit, whichever comes first. To force calculation to xmax, set lx_crit to 0. Conversely, to force calculation to lx_crit, set xmax to Inf.

Note that the units of time in returned values (i.e., x) are the same as the projection interval ('ProjectionInterval') of the MPM.


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

Roberto Salguero-Gómez <[email protected]>

Hal Caswell <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Jones O. R. 2021. Life tables: Construction and interpretation In: Demographic Methods Across the Tree of Life. Edited by Salguero-Gomez R & Gamelon M. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 9780198838609

Preston, S., Heuveline, P., & Guillot, M. 2000. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Wiley. ISBN: 9781557864512

See Also


Other life tables: lifetable_convert, mpm_to_table(), qsd_converge()



# age-specific survivorship
mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = 2) # starting from stage 2
mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = "small") # equivalent using named life stages
mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, xmax = 10) # to a maximum age of 10
mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, lx_crit = 0.05) # to a minimum lx of 0.05

# age-specific survival probability

# age-specific mortality hazard

# age-specific fecundity
mpm_to_mx(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF)

### starting from first reproduction
repstages <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
n1 <- mature_distrib(mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = repstages)

mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = n1)
mpm_to_px(mpm1$matU, start = n1)
mpm_to_hx(mpm1$matU, start = n1)
mpm_to_mx(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF, start = n1)

# specifying matrices explictly
mpm_to_mx(matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF, start = n1)
mpm_to_mx(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, start = n1)
mpm_to_mx(matU = mpm1$matU, matC = mpm1$matF, start = n1)

Calculate Demetrius' entropy from trajectories of age-specific survivorship and fecundity


This function calculates Demetrius' entropy from vectors of age-specific survivorship (lx) and fecundity (mx). Users can choose between the scaled (Caswell, 2001 eqns. 4.94-4.97) or unscaled (from Demetrius 1978) method.


entropy_d(lx, mx, type = "scaled", ...)



Either a survivorship trajectory (a vector of monotonically-declining values in the interval [0,1]), or submatrix U from a matrix population model.


Either an age-specific fecundity trajectory (a vector of non-negative values), or submatrix F from a matrix population model.


Calculation type, either 'scaled' (default) or 'unscaled'.


Additional variables passed to 'mpm_to_lx' and 'mpm_to_mx' if the data are supplied as matrices. This could include the 'start' argument to select a starting stage.


The scaled version accounts for population growth or shrinkage by adjusting the contributions of survivorship and fecundity using the dominant eigenvalue (lambda). Specifically, each contribution is weighted by lambda raised to the negative power of age. Conversely, the unscaled version does not account for population growth. It calculates entropy directly from the proportional contributions of survivorship and fecundity without adjustment for population dynamics.


Demetrius' entropy.


Note that this function may produce unexpected results if used on partial survivorship and fecundity trajectories. In addition, it is sensitive to the length of the these vectors. We direct users to the functions 'shape_surv' and 'shape_rep' which are relatively robust to these issues.


Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

Richard Hinrichsen <[email protected]>

Owen Jones <[email protected]>


Demetrius, L. 1978. Adaptive value, entropy and survivorship curves. Nature, 275(5677), 213–214.

Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates.

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



# derive trajectories of lx and mx, starting from stage 2
lx <- mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = 2)
mx <- mpm_to_mx(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF, start = 2)

entropy_d(lx, mx, type = "unscaled")
entropy_d(lx, mx, type = "scaled")

# calculate entropy directly from MPM
entropy_d(lx = mpm1$matU, mx = mpm1$matF, start = 2)

Calculate Keyfitz's entropy from a trajectory of age-specific survivorship


Calculate Keyfitz's entropy from a vector of age-specific survivorship (lx), or from the U submatrix of a matrix population model.


entropy_k(lx, trapeze = FALSE, ...)



Either a survivorship trajectory (a vector of monotonically-declining values in the interval [0,1]), or submatrix U from a matrix population model.


A logical argument indicating whether the composite trapezoid approximation should be used for approximating the definite integral.


Additional variables passed to 'mpm_to_lx' if data are supplied as a matrix. This could include the 'start' argument to select a starting stage.


Keyfitz's life table entropy.


Note that this function may produce unexpected results if used on partial survivorship trajectories. In addition, it is sensitive to the length of the survivorship vector. We direct users to the function 'shape_surv' which is relatively robust to these issues.

Furthermore, de Vries et al. 2023 have shown that the way this function calculates entropy is problematic for other reasons. We recommend to use 'entropy_k_age' or “entropy_k_stage' as alternatives, See de Vries et al. 2023 for details.


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>


Keyfitz, N. 1977. Applied Mathematical Demography. New York: Wiley.

Demetrius, L., & Gundlach, V. M. 2014. Directionality theory and the entropic principle of natural selection. Entropy 16: 5428-5522.

de Vries, C., Bernard, C., & Salguero-Gómez, R. 2023. Discretising Keyfitz' entropy for studies of actuarial senescence and comparative demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1312–1319. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14083>

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



# derive lx trajectory, starting from stage 2
lx <- mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = 2)

# calculate Keyfitz' entropy

# use trapezoid approximation for definite integral
entropy_k(lx, trapeze = TRUE)

# calculate directly from the matrix

Calculate Keyfitz entropy for an age-based matrix population model


Computes Keyfitz entropy from the U submatrix of an age-based matrix population model.





A square numeric matrix representing the U submatrix of a matrix population model. The dimension corresponds to the number of age classes


Returns a single numeric value representing the Keyfitz entropy for the given matrix. This value quantifies the dispersion of age at death.


Lotte de Vries <[email protected]>

Owen Jones <[email protected]>


Keyfitz, N. 1977. Applied Mathematical Demography. New York: Wiley.

de Vries, C., Bernard, C., & Salguero-Gómez, R. 2023. Discretising Keyfitz' entropy for studies of actuarial senescence and comparative demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1312–1319. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14083>

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()




Calculate Keyfitz entropy for a stage-based matrix population model


Computes Keyfitz entropy from the U submatrix of a stage-based (Lefkovitch) matrix population model.


entropy_k_stage(Umat, init_distrib = NULL, max_age = NULL, n_is_maxage = FALSE)



A square numeric matrix representing the U submatrix of a stage-based (Lefkovitch) matrix population model.


The initial cohort distribution across stages. This should sum to 1. If it does not sum to 1, the function rescales it to 1. Defaults to an equal distribution across stages.


The upper age, in units of the projection interval. Defaults to 1000 if no information is provided.


If TRUE, survival p_n is set to zero. Defaults to FALSE.


Returns a single numeric value representing the Keyfitz entropy for the given matrix. This value quantifies the dispersion of age at death.


Stefano Giaimo <[email protected]>

Owen Jones <[email protected]>


Keyfitz, N. 1977. Applied Mathematical Demography. New York: Wiley.

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()




Calculate generation time from a matrix population model


Calculate generation time from a matrix population model. Multiple definitions of the generation time are supported: the time required for a population to increase by a factor of R0 (the net reproductive rate; Caswell (2001), section 5.3.5), the average parent-offspring age difference (Bienvenu & Legendre (2015)), or the expected age at reproduction for a cohort (Coale (1972), p. 18-19).


  matR = NULL,
  matF = NULL,
  matC = NULL,
  method = c("R0", "age_diff", "cohort"),



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both). If matR is not provided, it will be constructed by summing matF and matC.


The matrix reflecting sexual reproduction. If provided without matC, matC is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The matrix reflecting clonal (asexual) reproduction. If provided without matF, matF is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The method used to calculate generation time. Defaults to "R0". See Details for explanation of calculations.


Additional arguments passed to net_repro_rate when method = "R0" or mpm_to_* when method = "cohort". Ignored when method = "age_diff".


There are multiple definitions of generation time, three of which are implemented by this function:

1. "R0" (default): This is the number of time steps required for the population to grow by a factor of its net reproductive rate, equal to log(R0) / log(lambda). Here, R0 is the net reproductive rate (the per-generation population growth rate; Caswell 2001, Sec. 5.3.4), and lambda is the population growth rate per unit time (the dominant eigenvalue of matU + matR).

2. "age_diff": This is the average age difference between parents and offspring, equal to (lambda v w) / (v matR w) (Bienvenu & Legendre (2015)). Here, lambda is the population growth rate per unit time (the dominant eigenvalue of matU + matR), v is a row vector of stage-specific reproductive values (the left eigenvector corresponding to lambda), and w is a column vector of the stable stage distribution (the right eigenvector corresponding to lambda).

3. "cohort": This is the age at which members of a cohort are expected to reproduce, equal to sum(x lx mx) / sum(lx mx) (Coale (1972), p. 18-19). Here, x is age, lx is age-specific survivorship, and mx is age-specific fertility. See functions mpm_to_lx and mpm_to_mx for details about the conversion of matrix population models to life tables.


Returns generation time. If matU is singular (often indicating infinite life expectancy), returns NA.


Note that the units of time in returned values are the same as the projection interval ('ProjectionInterval') of the MPM.


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

William Petry <[email protected]>


Bienvenu, F. & Legendre, S. 2015. A New Approach to the Generation Time in Matrix Population Models. The American Naturalist 185 (6): 834–843. <doi:10.1086/681104>.

Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Coale, A.J. 1972. The Growth and Structure of Human Populations. Princeton University Press. ISBN: 978-0691093574

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



# calculate generation time
gen_time(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF) # defaults to "R0" method
gen_time(matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF) # defaults to "R0" method
gen_time(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, method = "age_diff")
  matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, method = "cohort", lx_crit =

Determine if a matrix is a Leslie matrix population model


Checks if a given matrix is a Leslie matrix. A matrix is determined to be a Leslie matrix if it satisfies the following conditions: * All elements of A are non-negative. * The subdiagonal elements of A, excluding the last column, are all between 0 and 1. * The sum of the elements in the first row (representing reproduction) of A is positive. * The upper triangle of A, excluding the first row, contains only 0s. * The diagonal of A, excluding the top-left and bottom-right corners contain only 0s. * The lower triangle of A, excluding the subdiagonal, contains only 0s.


is_leslie_matrix(A, includes_mat_F = TRUE)



Matrix to be tested


A logical argument (default 'TRUE') indicating whether A is expected to include fecundity. The idea here is that A may not include fertility, but could still be a valid Leslie matrix if fertility was truly measured to be 0, or if fertility was not measured at all. Thus, this argument relaxes the test for the first row of A summing to a positive value.


A logical value indicating whether the matrix is a Leslie matrix or not


Owen Jones <[email protected]>

See Also

Other transformation: leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


A <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 1.2, 1.1,
  0.1, 0.0, 0.0,
  0.0, 0.2, 0.3
), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
is_leslie_matrix(A) # true
A <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 1.2, 1.1,
  0.1, 0.2, 0.1,
  0.2, 0.3, 0.3
), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
is_leslie_matrix(A) # false

A <- leslie_mpm1$matU + leslie_mpm1$matF
is_leslie_matrix(A) # false

Aggregate a Leslie matrix


Takes a Leslie matrix and aggregates it to a desired dimension m using least squares weights equal to the stable age distribution. The output includes the aggregated matrix, the weight matrix, the original (or expanded) Leslie matrix raised to the k power, the partitioning matrix, the size of the original (or expanded) Leslie matrix, the size of the aggregated matrix, the quotient of the original size divided by the aggregated size, and the effectiveness of aggregation.


leslie_collapse(A, m)



a Leslie matrix


the dimensionality of the desired aggregated matrix


a list including the following elements:


The aggregated matrix


The weight matrix


The original (or expanded) Leslie matrix raised to the k power


The partitioning matrix


The size of the original (or expanded) Leslie matrix


The size of the aggregated matrix


The quotient of the original size divided by the aggregated size


The effectiveness of aggregation


Richard A. Hinrichsen <[email protected]>


Hinrichsen, R. A. (2023). Aggregation of Leslie matrix models with application to ten diverse animal species. Population Ecology, 1–21. <doi:10.1002/1438-390X.12149>

See Also

Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


A <- leslie_mpm1$matU + leslie_mpm1$matF
leslie_collapse(A, 4)

Example Leslie matrix population model (MPM)


An example Leslie matrix population model (MPM) used for demonstration and testing purposes.




A list with two elements:


The survival-related component of the MPM.


The sexual reproduction component of the MPM.

Calculate Keyfitz's entropy from a trajectory of age-specific survivorship


Calculate Keyfitz's entropy from a vector of age-specific survivorship (lx), or from the U submatrix of a matrix population model.


life_elas(lx, trapeze = FALSE, ...)



Either a survivorship trajectory (a vector of monotonically-declining values in the interval [0,1]), or submatrix U from a matrix population model.


A logical argument indicating whether the composite trapezoid approximation should be used for approximating the definite integral.


Additional variables passed to 'mpm_to_lx' if data are supplied as a matrix. This could include the 'start' argument to select a starting stage.


Keyfitz's life table entropy.


Note that this function, which was formerly called 'entropy_k' may produce unexpected results if used on partial survivorship trajectories. In addition, it is sensitive to the length of the survivorship vector. We direct users to the function 'shape_surv' which is relatively robust to these issues.

Furthermore, de Vries et al. 2023 have shown that the way this function calculates entropy is problematic for other reasons. We recommend to use 'entropy_k_age' or “entropy_k_stage' as alternatives, See de Vries et al. 2023 for details.


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>


Keyfitz, N. 1977. Applied Mathematical Demography. New York: Wiley.

Demetrius, L., & Gundlach, V. M. 2014. Directionality theory and the entropic principle of natural selection. Entropy 16: 5428-5522.

de Vries, C., Bernard, C., & Salguero-Gómez, R. 2023. Discretising Keyfitz' entropy for studies of actuarial senescence and comparative demography. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1312–1319. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14083>

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



# derive lx trajectory, starting from stage 2
lx <- mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = 2)

# calculate Keyfitz' entropy

# use trapezoid approximation for definite integral
life_elas(lx, trapeze = TRUE)

# calculate directly from the matrix

Calculate mean and variance of life expectancy from a matrix population model


Applies Markov chain approaches to obtain mean and variance of life expectancy from a matrix population model (MPM).


life_expect_mean(matU, mixdist = NULL, start = 1L)

life_expect_var(matU, mixdist = NULL, start = 1L)



The survival component of a MPM (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


A vector with a length equal to the dimension of the MPM defining how the function should average the output over the. possible starting states. See section Starting from multiple stages. If this argument is used, 'start' must be set to 'NULL'.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage of the life cycle which the user considers to be the beginning of life. Defaults to 1. If set to 'NULL' the function returns mean life expectancy from each of the stages of the MPM.


Returns life expectancy in the units of the projection interval ('ProjectionInterval') of the MPM. If matU is singular (often indicating infinite life expectancy), returns NA.

Starting from multiple stages

Sometimes, it is necessary to calculate life expectancy considering multiple starting stage classes instead of just a single stage from which all individuals begin their lives. This scenario arises when there are several possible stages at which an individual can start a particular life event, such as reproductive maturity. To handle such cases, the function provides support for multiple starting stage classes. When calculating life expectancy in this context, the outputs should be averaged using weights determined by the distribution of individuals across these stages. To achieve this, the 'start' argument should be set to 'NULL', indicating that the starting stage is not specified, and the 'mixdist' argument should be utilized. In the context described, The 'mixdist' argument expects a vector that represents the proportion of individuals with their first reproduction in each stage of the MPM. By providing this distribution, the function calculates the mean lifespan by appropriately weighting the life expectancies corresponding to each starting stage. For a practical example that demonstrates this usage, please refer to the code example below.


Christine M. Hernández <[email protected]>

Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



# mean life expectancy starting from stage class 2
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, start = 2)

# equivalent using named life stages
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, start = "small")

# mean life expectancies starting from each of the stages
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, start = NULL)

# mean life expectancy starting from first reproduction, where this varies
# across individuals
rep_stages <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
(n1 <- mature_distrib(mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = rep_stages))
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, mixdist = n1, start = NULL)

# variance of life expectancy from stage class 1
life_expect_var(mpm1$matU, start = 1)

# variance of life expectancy from stage class 1
life_expect_var(mpm1$matU, start = "seed")

# variance of life expectancy from each stage class
life_expect_var(mpm1$matU, start = NULL)

# variance of life expectancies with a set mixing distribution
life_expect_var(mpm1$matU, mixdist = c(0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5), start = NULL)

# setting mixdist to ignore all but one stage should produce the same result
# as setting the start argument to that stage
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, start = 3)
life_expect_mean(mpm1$matU, mixdist = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), start = NULL)

Convert between age-specific survivorship, survival, or mortality hazard


Convert between vectors of age-specific survivorship (lx), survival probability (px), or mortality hazard (hx). Input vectors must be arranged in order of increasing age, starting with age 0.










Vector of age-specific survivorship.


Vector of age-specific survival probabilities.


Vector of age-specific mortality hazards.


lx gives the proportional survivorship to the start of age class x (where survivorship at first age class is defined as 1), px gives the probability of survival between age x and x+1, and hx gives the time-averaged mortality hazard (also called force of mortality) between age x and x+1.


A vector.


Note that the units of time for the returned vectors (i.e., x) are the same as the (ProjectionInterval) of the MPM.


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Caswell, H. 2006. Applications of Markov chains in demography. pp. 319-334 in A.N. Langville and W.J. Stewart (editors) MAM2006: Markov Anniversary Meeting. Boson Books, Raleigh, North Caroline, USA

Ergon, T., Borgan, Ø., Nater, C. R., & Vindenes, Y. 2018. The utility of mortality hazard rates in population analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 2046-2056. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13059>

Horvitz, C. & Tuljapurkar, S. 2008. Stage dynamics, period survival, and mortality plateaus. The American Naturalist 172: 203-2015. <doi:10.1086/589453>

Jones, O. R., Scheuerlein, A., Salguero-Gomez, R., Camarda, C. G., Schaible, R., Casper, B. B., Dahlgren, J. P., Ehrlén, J., García, M. B., Menges, E., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Caswell, H., Baudisch, A. & Vaupel, J. 2014. Diversity of ageing across the tree of life. Nature 505, 169-173. <doi:10.1038/nature12789>

Jones O. R. 2021. Life tables: Construction and interpretation In: Demographic Methods Across the Tree of Life. Edited by Salguero-Gomez R & Gamelon M. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 9780198838609

Preston, S., Heuveline, P., & Guillot, M. 2000. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Wiley. ISBN: 9781557864512

See Also

Other life tables: age_from_stage, mpm_to_table(), qsd_converge()


lx <- c(1, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1)

# convert from lx
px <- lx_to_px(lx)
hx <- lx_to_hx(lx)

# convert from px
lx <- px_to_lx(px)
hx <- px_to_hx(px)

# convert from hx
lx <- hx_to_lx(hx)
px <- hx_to_px(hx)

Calculate longevity from a matrix population model


Calculate longevity (the age x at which survivorship for a synthetic cohort falls below some critical proportion) from a matrix population model


longevity(matU, start = 1L, x_max = 1000, lx_crit = 0.01)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Defaults to 1. Alternately, a numeric vector giving the starting population vector (in which case length(start) must match ncol(matU)). See section Starting from multiple stages.


The maximum age, in units of the MPM projection interval, to which survivorship will be calculated. Defaults to 1000.


Proportion of initial cohort remaining before all are considered dead (a value between 0 and 1). Defaults to 0.01.


Returns longevity, the integer age at which expected survivorship falls below lx_crit. If survivorship doesn't reach lx_crit by x_max, returns NA and prints a warning message.

Starting from multiple stages

Rather than specifying argument start as a single stage class from which all individuals start life, it may sometimes be desirable to allow for multiple starting stage classes. For example, if we want to start our calculation of longevity from reproductive maturity (i.e., first reproduction), we should account for the possibility that there may be multiple stage classes in which an individual could first reproduce.

To specify multiple starting stage classes, specify argument start as the desired starting population vector, giving the proportion of individuals starting in each stage class (the length of start should match the number of columns in the relevant MPM).


Note that the units of time in returned values are the same as the (ProjectionInterval) of the MPM.


Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Hal Caswell <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Morris, W. F. & Doak, D. F. 2003. Quantitative Conservation Biology: Theory and Practice of Population Viability Analysis. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA

See Also

mature_distrib for calculating the proportion of individuals achieving reproductive maturity in each stage class.

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



longevity(mpm1$matU, start = 2)
longevity(mpm1$matU, start = "small") # equivalent using named life stages
longevity(mpm1$matU, start = 2, lx_crit = 0.05)

# starting from first reproduction
repstages <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
n1 <- mature_distrib(mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = repstages)
longevity(mpm1$matU, start = n1)

Collapse a matrix population model to a smaller number of stages


Collapse a matrix population model to a smaller number of stages. For instance, to compare properties of multiple projection matrices with different numbers of stages, one might first collapse those matrices to a standardized set of stages (e.g., propagule, pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive). The transition rates in the collapsed matrix are a weighted average of the transition rates from the relevant stages of the original matrix, weighted by the relative proportion of each stage class expected at the stable distribution.


mpm_collapse(matU, matF, matC = NULL, collapse)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression)


The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction)


The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e., matC is a matrix of zeros).


A list giving the mapping between stages of the original matrix and the desired stages of the collapsed matrix (e.g., list(1, 2:3, 4)). Original stages may be passed as either indices or stage names corresponding to stage index or name in matU, matF and matC). Names given to the elements of collapse are used as stage names in the new, collapsed matrix.

See Missing Stages for handling of NA within collapse.


A list with four elements:


Collapsed projection matrix


Survival component of the collapsed projection matrix


Sexual reproduction component of the collapsed projection matrix


Clonal reproduction component of the collapsed projection matrix

Missing Stages

The collapsed matrix will always be of dimension length(collapse), even if one or more elements of the collapse argument is NA (corresponding to a desired stage of the collapsed matrix that is not present in the original matrix). In the collapsed matrix, any row/column corresponding to a missing stage will be coerced to NA.


This method of collapsing a matrix population model preserves the equilibrium population growth rate (lambdalambda) and relative stable distribution, but is not expected to preserve other traits such as relative reproductive values, sensitivities, net reproductive rates, life expectancy, etc.


Rob Salguero-Gómez <[email protected]>

William K. Petry <[email protected]>


Salguero-Gomez, R. & Plotkin, J. B. 2010. Matrix dimensions bias demographic inferences: implications for comparative plant demography. The American Naturalist 176, 710-722. <doi:10.1086/657044>

See Also


Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()



# check which stages reproductive
repro_stages(matR = mpm1$matF)

# collapse reproductive stages (3 and 4) into single stage
  matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF,
  collapse = list(1, 2, 3:4, 5)

# use stage names instead, and name stages in the collapsed matrix
  matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF,
  collapse = list(
    seed = "seed", vegetative = "small",
    flowering = c("medium", "large"),
    dormant = "dormant"

Rearrange stages of a matrix population model to segregate reproductive and non-reproductive stages


Rearrange stages of a matrix population model so that all inter-reproductive stages fall in the final rows/columns of the matrix. This is a preparatory step to collapsing the matrix model into a standardized set of stages (e.g., propagule, pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive).


mpm_rearrange(matU, matF, matC = NULL, repro_stages, matrix_stages)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression)


The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction)


The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e., matC is a matrix of zeros).


Logical vector of length ncol(matU) indicating which stages are reproductive. Alternatively, a vector of stage indices or stage names of the reproductive classes.


A character vector identifying organized matrix stages.


Returns a list with 6 elements:


Rearranged survival matrix


Rearranged sexual reproduction matrix


Rearranged clonal reproduction matrix


Rearranged vector of organized matrix stages


Rearranged logical vector of reproductive stages


Numeric index for any rearranged inter-reproductive stages


Rob Salguero-Gómez <[email protected]>

See Also


Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 1.1, 0, 1.6, 0),
  c(0, 0.8, 0, 0.4, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

repro_stages <- c(2, 4)
matrix_stages <- c("prop", "active", "active", "active", "active")

mpm_rearrange(matU, matF,
  repro_stages = repro_stages,
  matrix_stages = matrix_stages

Convert matrix population model into U, F and C matrices


Splits a matrix population model into three constituent matrices, U (growth and survival processes), F (sexual reproduction) and C (clonal reproduction). Warning! The functionality is very basic: it assumes that sexual reproduction is located in the top row of the matrix, and that everything else is growth or survival (i.e. the U matrix). Clonality is assumed to be non-existent.





A matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix).


A list of three matrices: matU,matF and matC. matC will always contain only zeros.


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

See Also

Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


matA <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 5.3, 4.2),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)


Transform a matrix population model to a standardized form


Transform a matrix population model to a standardized set of stage classes (e.g., propagule, pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive). The transition rates in the standardized matrix are a weighted mean of the transition rates and per-capita reproductive values from the relevant stages of the original matrix, weighted by the relative proportion of each stage class expected at the stable distribution.


mpm_standardize(matU, matF, matC = NULL, repro_stages, matrix_stages)

mpm_standardise(matU, matF, matC = NULL, repro_stages, matrix_stages)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g. progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction).


The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e., matC is a matrix of zeros).


Logical vector of length ncol(matU) indicating which stages are reproductive. Alternatively, a vector of stage indices or stage names of the reproductive classes.


Character vector of matrix stage types (e.g., "propagule", "active", or "dormant").


This function is a wrapper for the functions mpm_rearrange, standard_stages and mpm_collapse, which it calls in sequence.


A list with four elements reflecting the standardized matrix and its components:


Standardized projection matrix


Survival component of the standardized projection matrix


Sexual reproduction component of the standardized projection matrix


Clonal reproduction component of the standardized projection matrix

Missing Stages

The returned standardized matrix will always be of dimension 4, even if one or more standardized stages is missing from the original matrix population model. If a standardized stage is missing, the corresponding row/column of the standardized matrix will be coerced to NA.


The method used by this function to collapse a matrix population model preserves the equilibrium population growth rate (λ\lambda) and relative stable distribution, but is not expected to preserve other demographic characteristics such as relative reproductive value, sensitivities, net reproductive rate, life expectancy, etc.


Rob Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

See Also

Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), name_stages(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 1.1, 0, 1.6, 0),
  c(0, 0.8, 0, 0.4, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

matC <- rbind(
  c(0, 0.6, 0, 0.5, 0),
  c(0, 0.1, 0, 0.3, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

repro_stages <- c(2, 4)
matrix_stages <- c("prop", "active", "active", "active", "active")

mpm_standardize(matU, matF, matC, repro_stages, matrix_stages)

Generate a life table from a matrix population model


This function uses age-from-stage decomposition methods to generate a life table from a matrix population model. A detailed description of these methods can be found in section 5.3 "Age-specific traits from stage-specific models" of Caswell (2001).


  matR = NULL,
  matF = NULL,
  matC = NULL,
  start = 1L,
  xmax = 1000,
  lx_crit = 0.01,
  radix = 1,
  remove_final = FALSE



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and/or retrogression). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both). If matR is not provided, it will be constructed by summing matF and matC.


The matrix reflecting sexual reproduction. If provided without matC, matC is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The matrix reflecting clonal (asexual) reproduction. If provided without matF, matF is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Defaults to 1. Alternately, a numeric vector giving the starting population vector (in which case length(start) must match ncol(matU)). See section Starting from multiple stages.


Maximum age to which the life table will be calculated (defaults to 1000). Time steps are in the same units as the matrix population model (see MatrixPeriodicity metadata variable COM(P)ADRE).


Minimum value of lx to which age-specific traits will be calculated (defaults to 0.01).


The starting number of individuals in the synthetic life table (defaults to 1). If radix is set to 1, a simplified life table is produced.


Life table calculations typically assume that the final age class is closed and that all individuals die in that age class. This can mean that mortality/hazard is artificially inflated for this age class. Users can prevent this by setting 'remove_final' to 'TRUE' (the default is 'FALSE').


A data.frame containing a variable number columns, depending on input variables. Columns include:


age at the start of the age interval [x, x+1)


The number of individuals alive at age x. The initial number is set with radix


proportion of original cohort dying during the age interval [x, x+1)


survivorship, defined as the proportion of initial cohort surviving to the start of age interval [x, x+1)


proportion of original cohort dying in the age interval [x, x+1)


The average time survived within the interval by those that die during the age interval [x, x+1). Assumed to be 0.5


force of mortality (hazard) during the age interval [x, x+1)


probability of death during the interval [x, x+1) for those entering the interval


probability of survival for the interval [x, x+1) for those entering the interval


total person-years lived during the interval [x, x+1)


total person years lived beyond age x


remaining life expectancy at age x

If matF is provided, also includes:


per-capita rate of sexual reproduction during the interval [x, x+1)


expected number of sexual offspring per original cohort member produced during the interval [x, x+1)

If matC is provided, also includes:


per-capita rate of clonal reproduction during the interval [x, x+1)


expected number of clonal offspring per original cohort member produced during the interval [x, x+1)

If only matR is provided, the calculations proceed as with matF.

If both matF and matC are provided, also includes:


per-capita rate of total reproduction (sexual + clonal) during the interval [x, x+1)


expected number of total offspring (sexual + clonal) per original cohort member produced during the interval [x, x+1)

Starting from multiple stages

Rather than specifying argument start as a single stage class from which all individuals start life, it may sometimes be desirable to allow for multiple starting stage classes. For example, if the user wants to start the calculation of age-specific traits from reproductive maturity (i.e., first reproduction), the user should account for the possibility that there may be multiple stage classes in which an individual could first reproduce.

To specify multiple starting stage classes, specify argument start as the desired starting population vector (n1), giving the proportion of individuals starting in each stage class (the length of start should match the number of columns in the relevant MPM).

See function mature_distrib for calculating the proportion of individuals achieving reproductive maturity in each stage class.


The life table is calculated recursively until the age class (x) reaches xmax or survivorship (lx) falls below lx_crit — whichever comes first. To force calculation to xmax, set lx_crit = 0. Conversely, to force calculation to lx_crit, set xmax = Inf.

The life table calculations assume that the final age interval is closed and that all remaining individuals die in this interval. Therefore, for this interval, the probability of death qx is 1, the probability of survival px is 0 and, because we assume that deaths are evenly distributed during the interval, the remaining life expectancy for individuals at the start of the interval is 0.5. Depending on analyses, it may be a good idea to remove the final row of the table.

If lx_crit is sufficiently small that only a very small proportion of the cohort reach this age (i.e., < 0.05), this should have minimal impact on results. Nevertheless, for many analyses, the final row of the life table should be treated with caution and perhaps removed from subsequent analyses.

Note that the units of time (e.g.. 'x' and 'ex') in the returned life table are the same as the projection interval ('ProjectionInterval') of the MPM.


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

Roberto Salguero-Gómez <[email protected]>

Hal Caswell <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Caswell, H. 2006. Applications of Markov chains in demography. pp. 319-334 in A.N. Langville and W.J. Stewart (editors) MAM2006: Markov Anniversary Meeting. Boson Books, Raleigh, North Caroline, USA

Horvitz, C. & Tuljapurkar, S. 2008. Stage dynamics, period survival, and mortality plateaus. The American Naturalist 172: 203-2015. <doi:10.1086/589453>

Jones, O. R., Scheuerlein, A., Salguero-Gomez, R., Camarda, C. G., Schaible, R., Casper, B. B., Dahlgren, J. P., Ehrlén, J., García, M. B., Menges, E., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Caswell, H., Baudisch, A. & Vaupel, J. 2014. Diversity of ageing across the tree of life. Nature 505, 169-173. <doi:10.1038/nature12789>

Jones O. R. 2021. Life tables: Construction and interpretation In: Demographic Methods Across the Tree of Life. Edited by Salguero-Gomez R & Gamelon M. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. ISBN: 9780198838609

Preston, S., Heuveline, P., & Guillot, M. 2000. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Wiley. ISBN: 9781557864512

See Also

Other life tables: age_from_stage, lifetable_convert, qsd_converge()



mpm_to_table(matU = mpm1$matU, start = 2, xmax = 15)

# equivalent using named life stages
mpm_to_table(matU = mpm1$matU, start = "small", xmax = 15)
mpm_to_table(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, start = 2, xmax = 15)

### starting from first reproduction
repStages <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
n1 <- mature_distrib(matU = mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = repStages)
mpm_to_table(matU = mpm1$matU, start = n1)

Example matrix population model (MPM)


An example matrix population model (MPM) used for demonstration and testing purposes. The MPM consists of five stage classes: 'seed', 'small', 'medium', 'large', and 'dormant'.




A list with two elements:


The survival-related component of the MPM.


The sexual reproduction component of the MPM.

Add stage names to matrices


Adds user-supplied or automatically-generated stage names to a matrix population model (MPM).


name_stages(mat, names = NULL, prefix = "stage_", left_pad = TRUE)



An MPM, either as a single matrix or list of matrices.


A character vector specifying the name of each life stage, in order. If provided, prefix and left_pad arguments are ignored.


A string to be pre-pended to the stage number when automatically naming stages. Defaults to stage_.


Logical, whether to pre-pend 0 to stage names such that all stage numbers have equal length, enabling lexicographic sorting. For example, stage 1 becomes 01 for matrices with 10-99 stages, 001 for matrices with 100-999 stages, and so on. Defaults to TRUE.


The input matrix or matrices with named rows and columns.


William K. Petry <[email protected]>

See Also

Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), repro_stages(), standard_stages()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
  c(0.3, 0.1, 0.0),
  c(0.0, 0.5, 0.8)
# (semi)automated naming
name_stages(matU, prefix = "s")
# custom stage names
name_stages(matU, names = c("small", "medium", "large"))
# overwrite existing stage names

Calculate net reproductive rate (R0) from a matrix population model


Calculate net reproductive rate (R0) from a matrix population model. The net reproduction rate (R0) is the mean number of recruits produced during the mean life expectancy of an individual. See section 5.3.5 of Caswell (2001).


  matR = NULL,
  matF = NULL,
  matC = NULL,
  start = 1,
  method = "generation"



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g. progression, stasis, and retrogression). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both). If matR is not provided, it will be constructed by summing matF and matC.


The matrix reflecting sexual reproduction. If provided without matC, matC is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The matrix reflecting clonal (asexual) reproduction. If provided without matF, matF is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


Index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Only used if method = "start". Defaults to 1.


The method used to calculate net reproductive rate, either "generation" or "start". Defaults to "generation". See Details.


The method argument controls how net reproductive rate is calculated.

If method = "generation", net reproductive rate is calculated as the per-generation population growth rate (i.e., the dominant eigenvalue of matR %*% N, where N is the fundamental matrix). See Caswell (2001) Section 5.3.4.

If method = "start", net reproductive rate is calculated as the expected lifetime production of offspring that start life in stage start, by an individual also starting life in stage start (i.e., (matR %*% N)[start,start]).

If offspring only arise in stage start, the two methods give the same result.


Returns the net reproductive rate. If matU is singular (often indicating infinite life expectancy), returns NA.


Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Hal Caswell <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), repro_maturity, shape_rep(), shape_surv()



net_repro_rate(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF)

# calculate R0 using the start method, specifying either the life stage index
# or name
net_repro_rate(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF, method = "start", start = 1)
net_repro_rate(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF, method = "start", start = "seed")

# It is usually better to explicitly name the arguments, rather than relying
# on order.
net_repro_rate(matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF, 
method = "start", start = 1)

net_repro_rate(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, 
method = "start", start = "seed")

Perturbation analysis of a matrix population model


Perturbs elements within a matrix population model and measures the response (sensitivity or elasticity) of the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (λ\lambda), or, with a user-supplied function, any other demographic statistic.


  pert = 1e-06,
  type = "sensitivity",
  demog_stat = "lambda",



A matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix).


Magnitude of the perturbation. Defaults to 1e-6.


Whether to return sensitivity or elasticity values.


The demographic statistic to be used, as in "the sensitivity/elasticity of demog_stat to matrix element perturbations." Defaults to the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (λ\lambda). Also accepts a user-supplied function that performs a calculation on a projection matrix and returns a single numeric value.


Additional arguments passed to the function demog_stat


A sensitivity or elasticity matrix.


Rob Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other perturbation analysis: perturb_stochastic(), perturb_trans(), perturb_vr(), pop_vectors()


matA <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 1.5, 4.6),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)


# use a larger perturbation than the default
perturb_matrix(matA, pert = 0.01)

# calculate the sensitivity/elasticity of the damping ratio to perturbations
damping <- function(matA) { # define function for damping ratio
  eig <- eigen(matA)$values
  dm <- rle(Mod(eig))$values
  return(dm[1] / dm[2])

perturb_matrix(matA, demog_stat = "damping")

Calculate stochastic elasticities from a time-series of matrix population models and corresponding population vectors


Calculate stochastic elasticities given a time-series of matrix population models and corresponding population vectors, using the method described in Haridas et al. (2009).


perturb_stochastic(X_t, u_t)



A list of matrix population models


A list of corresponding population vectors


A list of three matrices:


matrix of stochastic elasticities


matrix of stochastic elasticities to mean transition rates


matrix of stochastic elasticities to the variance in transition rates


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Haridas, C. V., Tuljapurkar, S., & Coulson, T. 2009. Estimating stochastic elasticities directly from longitudinal data. Ecology Letters, 12, 806-812. <doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01330.x>

See Also

Other perturbation analysis: perturb_matrix(), perturb_trans(), perturb_vr(), pop_vectors()


# generate list of random MPMs
N <- 20 # number of years
s <- 3 # matrix dimension
X <- list() # matrix population model at time t
u <- list() # population vector at time t

for (t in 1:N) {
  X[[t]] <- matrix(runif(s^2), nrow = s, ncol = s)

# derive corresponding series of population vectors
u <- pop_vectors(X)

# calculate stochastic elasticities
perturb_stochastic(X, u)

Perturbation analysis of transition types within a matrix population model


Calculates the summed sensitivities or elasticities for various transition types within a matrix population model (MPM), including stasis, retrogression, progression, fecundity, and clonality.

Sensitivities or elasticities are calculated by perturbing elements of the MPM and measuring the response of the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (λ\lambda), or, with a user-supplied function, any other demographic statistic.


  matC = NULL,
  posU = matU > 0,
  posF = matF > 0,
  posC = matC > 0,
  exclude_row = NULL,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  pert = 1e-06,
  type = "sensitivity",
  demog_stat = "lambda",



The survival component submatrix of a MPM (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The sexual component submatrix of a MPM (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction).


The clonal component submatrix of a MPM (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction possible.


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matU, with elements indicating whether a given matU transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matU > 0 (see Details).


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matF, with elements indicating whether a given matF transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matF > 0 (see Details).


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matC, with elements indicating whether a given matC transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matC > 0 (see Details).


A vector of row indices or stages names indicating stages for which transitions to the stage should be excluded from perturbation analysis. Alternatively, a logical vector of length nrow(matU) indicating which stages to include TRUE or exclude FALSE from the calculation. See section Excluding stages.


A vector of column indices or stages names indicating stages for which transitions to the stage should be excluded from perturbation analysis. Alternatively, a logical vector of length ncol(matU) indicating which stages to include TRUE or exclude FALSE from the calculation. See section Excluding stages.


The magnitude of the perturbation (defaults to 1e-6).


An argument defining whether to return 'sensitivity' or 'elasticity' values. Defaults to 'sensitivity'.


An argument defining which demographic statistic should be used, as in "the sensitivity/elasticity of demog_stat to matrix element perturbations." Defaults to the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (lambdalambda). Also accepts a user-supplied function that performs a calculation on a MPM and returns a single numeric value.


Additional arguments passed to the function demog_stat.


A transition rate of 0 within a matrix population model can either indicate that the transition is not possible in the given life cycle (e.g., tadpoles never revert to eggs), or that the transition is possible but was estimated to be 0 in the relevant population and time period. Because transition rates of zero do generally yield non-zero sensitivities, it is important to distinguish between structural (i.e. impossible) zeros and sampled zeros when summing multiple sensitivities for a given process (e.g., progression/growth).

By default, the perturb_ functions assume that a transition rate of 0 indicates an impossible transition, in which case the sensitivity for that transition will not be included in any calculation. Specifically, the arguments posX are specified by the logical expression (matX > 0). If the matrix population model includes transitions that are possible but estimated to be 0, users should specify the posX argument(s) manually.

If there are no possible transitions for a given process (e.g., clonality, in many species), the value of sensitivity or elasticity returned for that process will be NA.


A list with 5 elements:


The sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to stasis.


The sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to retrogression.


The sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to progression.


The sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to sexual fecundity.


The sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to clonality.

Excluding stages

It may be desirable to exclude one or more stages from the calculation. For instance, we might not believe that 'progression' to a dormant stage class truly reflects progression. In this case we could exclude transitions to the dormant stage class using the argument exclude_row. We may or may not want to ignore progression transitions from the dormant stage class, which can be done in a similar way using the argument exclude_col. The exclude_ arguments simply set the relevant row or column of the posX arguments to FALSE, to prevent those transitions from being used in subsequent calculations.


Rob Salguero-Gómez <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

See Also

Other perturbation analysis: perturb_matrix(), perturb_stochastic(), perturb_vr(), pop_vectors()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 0, 1.1, 1.6),
  c(0, 0, 0.8, 0.4),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

perturb_trans(matU, matF)

# Use a larger perturbation than the default of 1e-6.
perturb_trans(matU, matF, pert = 0.01)

# Calculate the sensitivity/elasticity of the damping ratio to perturbations.
# First, define function for damping ratio:
damping <- function(matA) {
  eig <- eigen(matA)$values
  dm <- rle(Mod(eig))$values
  return(dm[1] / dm[2])

# Second, run the perturbation analysis using demog_stat = "damping".
perturb_trans(matU, matF, demog_stat = "damping")

Perturbation analysis of vital rates in a matrix population model


Perturbs lower-level vital rates within a matrix population model and measures the response (sensitivity or elasticity) of the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (λ\lambda), or, with a user-supplied function, any other demographic statistic.

These decompositions assume that all transition rates are products of a stage-specific survival term (column sums of matU) and a lower level vital rate that is conditional on survival (growth, shrinkage, stasis, dormancy, or reproduction). Reproductive vital rates that are not conditional on survival (i.e., within a stage class from which there is no survival) are also allowed.


  matC = NULL,
  pert = 1e-06,
  type = "sensitivity",
  demog_stat = "lambda",



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction).


The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e., matC is a matrix of zeros).


Magnitude of the perturbation. Defaults to 1e-6.


Whether to return sensitivity or elasticity values. Defaults to sensitivity.


The demographic statistic to be used, as in "the sensitivity/elasticity of demog_stat to vital rate perturbations." Defaults to the per-capita population growth rate at equilibrium (λ\lambda). Also accepts a user-supplied function that performs a calculation on a projection matrix and returns a single numeric value.


Additional arguments passed to the function demog_stat.


A list with 5 elements:


sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to survival


sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to growth


sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to shrinkage


sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to sexual fecundity


sensitivity or elasticity of demog_stat to clonality


Rob Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

See Also

Other perturbation analysis: perturb_matrix(), perturb_stochastic(), perturb_trans(), pop_vectors()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 0, 1.1, 1.6),
  c(0, 0, 0.8, 0.4),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

perturb_vr(matU, matF)

# use elasticities rather than sensitivities
perturb_vr(matU, matF, type = "elasticity")

# use a larger perturbation than the default
perturb_vr(matU, matF, pert = 0.01)

# calculate the sensitivity/elasticity of the damping ratio to vital rate
#  perturbations
damping <- function(matA) { # define function for damping ratio
  eig <- eigen(matA)$values
  dm <- rle(Mod(eig))$values
  return(dm[1] / dm[2])

perturb_vr(matU, matF, demog_stat = "damping")

Plot a life cycle diagram from a matrix population model


Plots the life cycle diagram illustrated by a matrix population model. This function processes the matrix model and passes the information to the graphViz function in DiagrammeR. See


  title = NULL,
  shape = "egg",
  fontsize = 10,
  nodefontsize = 12,
  edgecol = "grey",
  node_order = NULL



A matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix)


Optional vector of stage class labels. If missing, it first attempts to infer them from dimnames(matA). If these are also NULL, then reverts to integers 1:ncol(A).


Optional title for the plot. Defaults to NULL.


The shape to be used for the stages of the diagram. Any node shape accepted by graphViz is acceptable.


Size of the font used in the diagram.


Size of the font used in the node part of the diagram.


Colour of the arrows in the diagram.


An optional numeric vector giving the order that the nodes should be presented in the plot. Default is 'NULL' whereby the order is the same as 'stages', or row/column names, of the matrix.


An object of class grViz representing the life cycle diagram


Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>


matA <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0, 1.4),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4)


# One could save the diagram as a PNG file using a combination of `export_svg`
# (from the `DiagrammeRsvg` package) and `rsvg_png` (from the `rsvg` package)
# like this:
## Not run: 
p1 <- plot_life_cycle(matA)
p1 %>%
  DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg %>%
  charToRaw() %>%
  rsvg::rsvg_png("my life cycle.png")

## End(Not run)

# Change the order of the nodes and give them names
  stages = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
  node_order = 5:1

Derive a hypothetical set of population vectors corresponding to a time-series of matrix population models


Derive a hypothetical set of population vectors (i.e. population size distributions across stages) given a time-series of matrix population models (MPMs), by taking the stable stage distribution of the mean matrix as the starting vector (or optionally, a uniform or random starting vector), and deriving subsequent vectors through recursive population projection.


pop_vectors(A, start = "stable.stage")



A list of MPMs (i.e., square population projection matrices).


Method to derive the first population vector in the series. Either stable.stage to use the stable stage distribution of the mean matrix as the starting vector, uniform to use a uniform starting vector (all elements equal), or random to use a randomly-generated starting vector. Defaults to the stable stage distribution.


This function is useful for providing population vectors as input to the perturb_stochastic function which calculates stochastic elasticities given a time-series of matrix population models and corresponding population vectors, using the method described in Haridas et al. (2009).


A list of population vectors


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Haridas, C. V., Tuljapurkar, S., & Coulson, T. 2009. Estimating stochastic elasticities directly from longitudinal data. Ecology Letters, 12, 806-812. <doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01330.x>

See Also

Other perturbation analysis: perturb_matrix(), perturb_stochastic(), perturb_trans(), perturb_vr()


# generate list of matrices
matA_l <- replicate(5, matrix(runif(9), 3, 3), simplify = FALSE)

# calculate corresponding population vectors
pop_vectors(matA_l, start = "uniform")
pop_vectors(matA_l, start = "random")

Calculate time to reach quasi-stationary stage distribution


Calculates the time for a cohort projected with a matrix population model to reach a defined quasi-stationary stage distribution.


qsd_converge(mat, start = 1L, conv = 0.01, N = 100000L)



A matrix population model, or component thereof (i.e., a square projection matrix). Optionally with named rows and columns indicating the corresponding life stage names.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Defaults to 1. Alternately, a numeric vector giving the starting population vector (in which case length(start) must match ncol(matU)). See section Starting from multiple stages.


Proportional distance threshold from the stationary stage distribution indicating convergence. For example, this value should be 0.01 if the user wants to obtain the time step when the stage distribution is within a distance of 1% of the stationary stage distribution.


Maximum number of time steps over which the population will be projected. Time steps are in the same units as the matrix population model (see AnnualPeriodicity column in COM(P)ADRE metadata). Defaults to 100,000.


Some matrix population models are parameterised with a stasis loop at the largest/most-developed stage class, which can lead to artefactual plateaus in the mortality or fertility trajectories derived from such models. These plateaus occur as a projected cohort approaches its stationary stage distribution (SSD). Though there is generally no single time point at which the SSD is reached, we can define a quasi-stationary stage distribution (QSD) based on a given distance threshold from the SSD, and calculate the number of time steps required for a cohort to reach the QSD. This quantity can then be used to subset age trajectories of mortality or fertility to periods earlier than the QSD, so as to avoid artefactual plateaus in mortality or fertility.

Starting from multiple stages

Rather than specifying argument start as a single stage class from which all individuals start life, it may sometimes be desirable to allow for multiple starting stage classes. For example, if we want to start our calculation of QSD from reproductive maturity (i.e., first reproduction), we should account for the possibility that there may be multiple stage classes in which an individual could first reproduce.

To specify multiple starting stage classes, specify argument start as the desired starting population vector, giving the proportion of individuals starting in each stage class (the length of start should match the number of columns in the relevant MPM).


An integer indicating the first time step at which the quasi-stationary stage distribution is reached (or an NA and a warning if the quasi-stationary distribution is not reached).


The time required for a cohort to reach its QSD depends on the initial population vector of the cohort (for our purposes, the starting stage class), and so does not fundamentally require an ergodic matrix (where the long-term equilibrium traits are independent of the initial population vector). However, methods for efficiently calculating the stationary stage distribution (SSD) generally do require ergodicity.

If the supplied matrix (mat) is non-ergodic, qsd_converge first checks for stage classes with no connection (of any degree) from the starting stage class specified by argument start, and strips such stages from the matrix. These unconnected stages have no impact on age-specific traits that we might derive from the matrix (given the specified starting stage), but often lead to non-ergodicity and therefore prevent the reliable calculation of SSD. If the reduced matrix is ergodic, the function internally updates the starting stage class and continues with the regular calculation. Otherwise, if the matrix cannot be made ergodic, the function will return NA with a warning.


Hal Caswell <[email protected]>

Owen Jones <[email protected]>

Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

Horvitz, C. C., & Tuljapurkar, S. 2008. Stage dynamics, period survival, and mortality plateaus. The American Naturalist, 172(2), 203–215.

Jones, O. R., Scheuerlein, A., Salguero-Gomez, R., Camarda, C. G., Schaible, R., Casper, B. B., Dahlgren, J. P., Ehrlén, J., García, M. B., Menges, E., Quintana-Ascencio, P. F., Caswell, H., Baudisch, A. & Vaupel, J. 2014. Diversity of ageing across the tree of life. Nature 505, 169-173. <doi:10.1038/nature12789>

Salguero-Gomez R. 2018. Implications of clonality for ageing research. Evolutionary Ecology, 32, 9-28. <doi:10.1007/s10682-017-9923-2>

See Also

mature_distrib for calculating the proportion of individuals achieving reproductive maturity in each stage class.

Other life tables: age_from_stage, lifetable_convert, mpm_to_table()



# starting stage = 2 (i.e., "small")
qsd_converge(mpm1$matU, start = 2)
qsd_converge(mpm1$matU, start = "small") # equivalent using named life stages

# convergence threshold = 0.001
qsd_converge(mpm1$matU, start = 2, conv = 0.001)

# starting from first reproduction
repstages <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
n1 <- mature_distrib(mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = repstages)
qsd_converge(mpm1$matU, start = n1)

Age of reproductive maturity


Apply Markov chain approaches to compute age-specific trajectory of reproduction for individuals in a matrix population model. Includes functions to calculate the probability of achieving reproductive maturity (mature_prob), mean age at first reproduction (mature_age), and distribution of individuals first achieving reproductive maturity among stage class (mature_distrib).


mature_prob(matU, matR = NULL, matF = NULL, matC = NULL, start = 1L)

mature_age(matU, matR = NULL, matF = NULL, matC = NULL, start = 1L)

mature_distrib(matU, start = 1L, repro_stages)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both). If matR is not provided, it will be constructed by summing matF and matC.


(Optional) The matrix reflecting sexual reproduction. If provided without matC, matC is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


(Optional) The matrix reflecting clonal (asexual) reproduction. If provided without matF, matF is assumed to be a zero matrix. If matR is provided, this argument is ignored.


The index (or stage name) of the first stage at which the author considers the beginning of life. Defaults to 1.


A vector of stage names or indices indicating which stages are reproductive. Alternatively, a logical vector of length ncol(matU) indicating whether each stage is reproductive (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


For mature_distrib, a vector giving the proportion of individuals that first reproduce within each stage class. For all others, a scalar trait value.


Note that the units of time in returned values are the same as the ProjectionInterval of the MPM.


Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Hal Caswell <[email protected]>

Owen R. Jones <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), shape_rep(), shape_surv()



mature_prob(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, start = 2)
mature_prob(mpm1$matU, mpm1$matF, start = 2)
mature_age(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF, start = 2)
mature_age(matU = mpm1$matU, matF = mpm1$matF, start = 2)

### distribution of first reproductive maturity among stage classes
repstage <- repro_stages(mpm1$matF)
mature_distrib(mpm1$matU, start = 2, repro_stages = repstage)

Identify which stages in a matrix population model are reproductive


Takes a reproductive matrix and returns a vector of logical values (TRUE/FALSE) indicating which stages are reproductive (i.e., exhibit any positive values for reproduction). This function is a preparatory step to collapsing the matrix model into a standardized set of stage classes using the function mpm_standardize.


repro_stages(matR, na_handling = "return.true")



The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual (e.g., matF), clonal (e.g., matC), or both).


One of "", "return.true", or "return.false". Determines how values of NA within matR should be handled. See Value for more details.


A logical vector of length ncol(matR), with values of FALSE corresponding to non-reproductive stages and values of TRUE corresponding to reproductive stages.

For a given matrix stage (i.e., column of matR), if there are any positive values of reproduction, the function will return TRUE. However, for a given stage, if there are no positive values of reproduction and one or more values of NA, the function will return NA if na_handling == "", TRUE if na_handling == "return.true", or FALSE if na_handling == "return.false".


Rob Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

See Also

Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), standard_stages()


matR1 <- rbind(
  c(0, 0.2, 0, 0.5),
  c(0, 0.3, 0, 0.6),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

matR2 <- rbind(
  c(NA, NA, NA, 1.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.3, 0.7),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)


# compare different methods for handling NA
repro_stages(matR2, na_handling = "")
repro_stages(matR2, na_handling = "return.true")
repro_stages(matR2, na_handling = "return.false")

Calculate shape of reproduction over age


Calculates a 'shape' value of distribution of reproduction over age by comparing the area under a cumulative reproduction curve (over age) with the area under a cumulative function describing constant reproduction.


shape_rep(rep, surv = NULL, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL, ...)



Either 1) a numeric vector describing reproduction over age (mx), 2) a data.frame / list with one column / element titled 'mx' describing a reproduction over age, optionally a column / element 'x' containing age classes (each element a number representing the age at the start of the class), or 3) a matrix, specifically the reproduction submatrix (e.g. F matrix) of a matrix population model. If rep is provided as a matrix, then surv must be provided as the U submatrix of the matrix population model.

In case (2), if x is not supplied, the function will assume age classes starting at 0 with time steps of unit. If x ends at maximum longevity, mx[which.max(x)] should equal 0; however it is possible to supply partial reproduction schedules.


An optional argument to be used if rep is provided as a matrix (the reproduction submatrix of the matrix population model.) If rep is provided as a matrix, then surv should also be provided as a the U submatrix of the matrix population model.

xmin, xmax

The minimum and maximum age respectively over which to evaluate shape. If not given, these default to min(x) and max(x) respectively.


Additional variables passed to 'mpm_to_mx' when the data are provided as matrices.


a shape value describing symmetry of reproduction over age by comparing the area under a cumulative reproduction curve over age with the area under constant reproduction. May take any real value between -0.5 and +0.5. A value of 0 indicates negligible ageing (neither generally increasing nor generally decreasing reproduction with age); positive values indicate senescence (generally decreasing reproduction with age); negative values indicate negative senescence (generally increasing reproduction with age). A value of +0.5 indicates that (hypothetically) all individuals are born to individuals of age 0; a value of -0.5 indicates that all individuals are born at the age of maximum longevity.


Iain Stott <[email protected]>


Wrycza, T.F. and Baudisch, A., 2014. The pace of aging: Intrinsic time scales in demography. Demographic Research, 30, pp.1571-1590. <doi:10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.57>

Baudisch, A. 2011, The pace and shape of ageing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 375-382. <doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00087.x>

Baudisch, A, Stott, I. 2019. A pace and shape perspective on fertility. Methods Ecol Evol. 10: 1941– 1951. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13289>

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_surv()


# increasing mx yields negative shape
mx <- c(0, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)

# decreasing mx yields positive shape
mx <- c(1.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4)

# constant mx yields shape = 0
mx <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

# calculate mx trajectory first
mpm_to_mx(matU = mpm1$matU, matR = mpm1$matF)

# providing the matrices directly
shape_rep(rep = mpm1$matF, surv = mpm1$matU)

Calculate shape of survival over age


Calculates a 'shape' value of survival lifespan inequality by comparing the area under a survival curve (over age) with the area under a constant survival function.


shape_surv(surv, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL, trunc = FALSE, ...)



Either 1) a numeric vector describing a survival curve (lx), 2) a data.frame / list with one column / element titled 'lx' describing a survival curve, optionally a column / element 'x' containing age classes (each element a number representing the age at the start of the class), or 3), a matrix, specifically the U submatrix of a matrix population model (A).

In case (2) If x is not supplied, the function will assume age classes starting at 0 with time steps of 1 unit of the ProjectionInterval. If x begins at 0 then lx[1] should equal 1. If x ends at maximum longevity, then lx[which.max(x)] should equal 0; however it is possible to supply partial survivorship curves.

xmin, xmax

The minimum and maximum age respectively over which to evaluate shape. If not given, these default to min(x) and max(x) respectively.


logical determining whether to truncate life tables or not when any lx == 0. Usually this is the case only for the final value of lx. As the function calculates log(lx), these value(s) cannot be handled. trunc == TRUE strips out the zero value(s). An alternative to this is to transform the zeroes to something approximating zero (e.g., 1e-7).


Additional variables passed to 'mpm_to_lx', if data are supplied as a matrix.


a shape value describing lifespan inequality by comparing the area under a survival (lx) curve over age with the area under a constant (Type II) survival function. The shape value may take any real value between -0.5 and +0.5. A value of 0 indicates negligible ageing (neither generally increasing nor generally decreasing survival with age); negative values indicate negative senescence (generally increasing survival with age); positive values indicate senescence (generally decreasing survival with age). A value of +0.5 indicates that all individuals die at age of maximum longevity; a value of -0.5 indicates that (hypothetically) all individuals die at birth.


Iain Stott <[email protected]>


Wrycza, T.F. and Baudisch, A., 2014. The pace of aging: Intrinsic time scales in demography. Demographic Research, 30, pp.1571-1590. <doi:10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.57>

Baudisch, A. 2011, The pace and shape of ageing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 375-382. <doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00087.x>

Baudisch, A, Stott, I. 2019. A pace and shape perspective on fertility. Methods Ecol Evol. 10: 1941– 1951. <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13289>

See Also

Other life history traits: entropy_d(), entropy_k(), entropy_k_age(), entropy_k_stage(), gen_time(), life_elas(), life_expect_mean(), longevity(), net_repro_rate(), repro_maturity, shape_rep()


# exponential decline in lx yields shape = 0
lx <- 0.7^(0:20)


lx <- mpm_to_lx(mpm1$matU, start = 1)

Identify stages corresponding to different parts of the reproductive life cycle


Identify the stages of a matrix population model that correspond to different parts of the reproductive life cycle, namely propagule, pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive. These classifications are used to standardise matrices to allow comparisons across species with different life cycle structures, see mpm_standardize.


standard_stages(matF, repro_stages, matrix_stages)



The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions only due to sexual reproduction). It assumes that it has been rearranged so that non-reproductive stages are in the final rows/columns.


Logical vector identifying which stages are reproductive.


(character) vector of stages, values are prop (propagule), active, and dorm (dormant).


Assumes that fecundity and mean fecundity matrices have been rearranged so that non-reproductive stages are in the final rows/columns. Output indicates groupings to be used when collapsing the matrix model.


A list with four elements:


Position of the propagule stages


Position of the pre-reproductive stages


Position of the reproductive stages


Position of the post-reproductive stages


Dormant stages are not currently handled.


Rob Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>

See Also


Other transformation: is_leslie_matrix(), leslie_collapse(), mpm_collapse(), mpm_rearrange(), mpm_split(), mpm_standardize(), name_stages(), repro_stages()


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.4)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 1.1, 0, 1.6, 0),
  c(0, 0.8, 0, 0.4, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

repro_stages <- c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
matrix_stages <- c("prop", "active", "active", "active", "active")

r <- mpm_rearrange(matU, matF,
  repro_stages = repro_stages,
  matrix_stages = matrix_stages

standard_stages(r$matF, r$repro_stages, r$matrix_stages)

Derive mean vital rates from a matrix population model


Derive mean vital rates corresponding to separate demographic processes from a matrix population model. Specifically, this function decomposes vital rates of survival, progression, retrogression, sexual reproduction and clonal reproduction, with various options for weighting and grouping stages of the life cycle.


  matC = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  splitStages = "all",
  matrixStages = NULL



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g. progression, stasis, and retrogression).


The sexual component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to sexual reproduction)


The clonal component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to clonal reproduction). Defaults to NULL, indicating no clonal reproduction (i.e. matC is a matrix of zeros).


Vector of stage-specific weights to apply while averaging vital rates. Default is NULL reflecting equal weighting for all stages. May also be "SSD" to weight vital rates by the stable distribution of matA.


What groups should vital rates be averaged over. Either:

"all": all stages grouped.

"ontogeny": group juvenile stages (all stages prior to the first stage with sexual reproduction) and adult stages.

"matrixStages": group according to a standardized set of stage classes (propagule, active, and dormant). If splitStages = "matrixStages", must also specify separate argument matrixStages.


Vector of stage-specific standardized matrix classes ("prop" for propagule, "active", and/or "dorm" for dormant). Only used if splitStages = "matrixClass".


A list of averaged vital rates.


Roberto Salguero-Gomez <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other vital rates: vr, vr_mat, vr_vec


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 0, 1.1, 1.6),
  c(0, 0, 0.8, 0.4),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

matC <- rbind(
  c(0, 0, 0.4, 0.5),
  c(0, 0, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

# Vital rate outputs without weights
vital_rates(matU, matF, matC, splitStages = "all")
vital_rates(matU, matF, matC, splitStages = "ontogeny")

# Group vital rates according to specified matrixStages
ms <- c("prop", "active", "active", "active")
vital_rates(matU, matF, matC,
  splitStages = "matrixStages",
  matrixStages = ms

# Vital rate outputs weighted by the stable stage distribution of 'matA'
vital_rates(matU, matF, matC, splitStages = "all", weights = "SSD")

Derive mean vital rates from a matrix population model


Derive mean vital rates of survival, growth (or development), shrinkage (or de-development), stasis, dormancy, or reproduction from a matrix population model, by averaging across stage classes. These functions include optional arguments for custom weighting of different stage classes (see Weighting stages), excluding certain stage classes from the calculation (see Excluding stages), and defining the set of biologically-possible transitions (see Possible transitions).

These decompositions assume that all transition rates are products of a stage-specific survival term (column sums of matU) and a lower level vital rate that is conditional on survival (growth/development, shrinkage/de-development, stasis, dormancy, or a/sexual reproduction). Reproductive vital rates that are not conditional on survival (i.e., within a stage class from which there is no survival) are also allowed.


vr_survival(matU, posU = matU > 0, exclude_col = NULL, weights_col = NULL)

  posU = matU > 0,
  exclude = NULL,
  exclude_row = NULL,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  weights_col = NULL,
  surv_only_na = TRUE

  posU = matU > 0,
  exclude = NULL,
  exclude_row = NULL,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  weights_col = NULL,
  surv_only_na = TRUE

  posU = matU > 0,
  exclude = NULL,
  weights_col = NULL,
  surv_only_na = TRUE

vr_dorm_enter(matU, posU = matU > 0, dorm_stages, weights_col = NULL)

vr_dorm_exit(matU, posU = matU > 0, dorm_stages, weights_col = NULL)

  posR = matR > 0,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  weights_row = NULL,
  weights_col = NULL



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g., progression, stasis, and retrogression)


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matU, with elements indicating whether a given matU transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matU > 0 (see Possible transitions).


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


Vector of stage-specific weights to apply while averaging vital rates across columns. See section Weighting stages.


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


If there is only one possible matU transition in a given column, should that transition be attributed exclusively to survival? If TRUE, the vital rate of growth/stasis/shrinkage in that column will be coerced to NA. If FALSE, dividing the single transition by the stage-specific survival probability will always yield a value of 1. Defaults to TRUE.


Integer or character vector indicating dormant stage classes.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both)


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matR, with elements indicating whether a given matR transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matR > 0 (see Possible transitions).


Vector of stage-specific weights to apply while summing vital rates across rows within columns. See section Weighting stages.


Vector of vital rates. Vital rates corresponding to impossible transitions are coerced to NA (see Possible transitions).

Possible transitions

A transition rate of 0 within a matrix population model may indicate that the transition is not possible in the given life cycle (e.g., tadpoles never revert to eggs), or that the transition rate is possible but was estimated to be 0 in the relevant population and time period. If vital rates are to be averaged across multiple stage classes, or compared across populations, it may be important to distinguish between these two types of zeros.

By default, the vr_ functions assume that a transition rate of 0 indicates an impossible transition, in which case a value of NA will be used in relevant calculations. Specifically, the arguments posU and posR are specified by the logical expressions (matU > 0) and (matR > 0), respectively. If the matrix population model includes transitions that are estimated to be 0 but still in fact possible, one should specify the posU and/or posR arguments manually.

Weighting stages

In averaging vital rates across stages, it may be desirable to weight stage classes differently (e.g., based on reproductive values or stable distributions). Weights are generally applied when averaging across columns, i.e., across transitions from a set of stage classes (e.g., averaging stage-specific survival probabilities across multiple stages). All vr_ functions therefore include an optional argument weights_from.

In principle, particularly for vital rates of reproduction, the user can also apply weights when summing across rows within columns, i.e., across reproductive transitions to a set of stage classes (e.g., summing the production of different types of offspring, such as seeds vs. seedlings). The function vr_fecundity therefore also includes an optional argument weights_to.

If supplied, weights_from will automatically be scaled to sum to 1 over the set of possible transitions, whereas weights_to will not be rescaled because we wish to enable the use of reproductive values here, which do not naturally sum to 1.

Excluding stages

It may be desirable to exclude one or more stages from the calculation of certain vital rates. For instance, we might not believe that 'growth' to a dormant stage class really reflects biological growth, in which case we could exclude transitions to the dormant stage class using the argument exclude_row. We may or may not want to ignore 'growth' transitions from the dormant stage class, which can be done using exclude_col. To exclude transitions both to and from a given set of stages, use argument exclude.


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

See Also

Other vital rates: vital_rates(), vr_mat, vr_vec


# create example MPM (stage 4 is dormant)
matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.4)

matF <- rbind(
  c(0, 0.7, 1.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.8, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

vr_survival(matU, exclude_col = 4)
vr_growth(matU, exclude = 4)
vr_shrinkage(matU, exclude = 4)
vr_stasis(matU, exclude = 4)

# `exclude*` and `*_stages` arguments can accept stage names
matU <- name_stages(matU)
matF <- name_stages(matF)
vr_dorm_enter(matU, dorm_stages = "stage_4")
vr_dorm_exit(matU, dorm_stages = 4)

vr_fecundity(matU, matF, exclude_col = 4)

Derive survival-independent vital rates for growth, stasis, shrinkage, and reproduction


Divides columns of a matrix population model by the corresponding stage-specific survival probability, to obtain lower-level vital rates for growth, stasis, shrinkage, and reproduction. Vital rates corresponding to biologically impossible transitions are coerced to NA.

These decompositions assume that all transition rates are products of a stage-specific survival term (column sums of matU) and a lower level vital rate that is conditional on survival (growth, shrinkage, stasis, or reproduction). Reproductive vital rates that are not conditional on survival (i.e., within a stage class from which there is no survival) are also allowed.


vr_mat_U(matU, posU = matU > 0, surv_only_na = TRUE)

vr_mat_R(matU, matR, posR = matR > 0)



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting survival-related transitions; e.g. progression, stasis, and retrogression)


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matU, with elements indicating whether a given matU transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matU > 0 (see Details).


If there is only one possible matU transition in a given column, should that transition be attributed exclusively to survival? If TRUE, the vital rate of growth/stasis/shrinkage in that column will be coerced to NA. If FALSE, dividing the single transition by the stage-specific survival probability will always yield a value of 1. Defaults to TRUE.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both)


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matR, with elements indicating whether a given matR transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matR > 0 (see Details).


A transition rate of 0 within a matrix population model may indicate that the transition is not possible in the given life cycle (e.g., tadpoles never revert to eggs), or that the transition is possible but was estimated to be 0 in the relevant population and time period. If vital rates are to be averaged across multiple stage classes, or compared across populations, it may be important to distinguish between these two types of zeros.

By default, vr_mat assumes that a transition rate of 0 indicates an impossible transition, in which case a value of NA will be returned in the relevant matrix cell. Specifically, the arguments posU and posR are specified by the logical expressions (matU > 0) and (matR > 0), respectively. If the matrix population model includes transitions that are possible but estimated to be 0, one should specify the posU and/or posR arguments manually.


A matrix of vital rates. Vital rates corresponding to impossible transitions will be coerced to NA (see Details).


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>


Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer Associates; 2nd edition. ISBN: 978-0878930968

See Also

Other vital rates: vital_rates(), vr, vr_vec


matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.6)

matR <- rbind(
  c(0, 0, 1.1, 1.6),
  c(0, 0, 0.8, 0.4),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

# extract vital rates of survival from matU

# extract vital rates of reproduction from matR
vr_mat_R(matU, matR)

Derive stage-specific vital rates from a matrix population model


Derive a vector of stage-specific vital rates of survival, growth, shrinkage, stasis, dormancy, or reproduction from a matrix population model. These functions include optional arguments for excluding certain stage classes from the calculation (see Excluding stages), and defining the set of biologically-possible transitions (see Possible transitions).

This decomposition assume that all transition rates are products of a stage-specific survival term (column sums of matU) and a lower level vital rate that is conditional on survival (growth, shrinkage, stasis, dormancy, or reproduction). Reproductive vital rates that are not conditional on survival (i.e., within a stage class from which there is no survival) are also allowed.


vr_vec_survival(matU, posU = matU > 0, exclude_col = NULL)

  posU = matU > 0,
  exclude = NULL,
  exclude_row = NULL,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  surv_only_na = TRUE

  posU = matU > 0,
  exclude = NULL,
  exclude_row = NULL,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  surv_only_na = TRUE

vr_vec_stasis(matU, posU = matU > 0, exclude = NULL, surv_only_na = TRUE)

vr_vec_dorm_enter(matU, posU = matU > 0, dorm_stages)

vr_vec_dorm_exit(matU, posU = matU > 0, dorm_stages)

  posR = matR > 0,
  exclude_col = NULL,
  weights_row = NULL



The survival component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only containing survival-related transitions; progression, stasis, and retrogression).


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matU, with elements indicating whether a given matU transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matU > 0 (see Details).


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


Integer, character or logical vector indicating stages for which transitions both to and from the stage should be excluded from the calculation of vital rates. See section Excluding stages.


If there is only one possible matU transition in a given column, should that transition be attributed exclusively to survival? If TRUE, the vital rate of growth/stasis/shrinkage in that column will be coerced to NA. If FALSE, dividing the single transition by the stage-specific survival probability will always yield a value of 1. Defaults to TRUE.


Integer or character vector indicating dormant stage classes.


The reproductive component of a matrix population model (i.e., a square projection matrix only reflecting transitions due to reproduction; either sexual, clonal, or both).


A logical matrix of the same dimension as matR, with elements indicating whether a given matR transition is possible (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to matR > 0 (see Details).


Vector of stage-specific weights to apply while summing vital rates across rows within columns (e.g., reproductive value vector).


Vector of vital rates. Vital rates corresponding to impossible transitions are coerced to NA (see Possible transitions).

Possible transitions

A transition rate of 0 within a matrix population model may indicate that the transition is not possible in the given life cycle (e.g., tadpoles never revert to eggs), or that the transition rate is possible but was estimated to be 0 in the relevant population and time period. If vital rates are to be averaged across multiple stage classes, or compared across populations, it may be important to distinguish between these two types of zeros.

By default, the vitals_ functions assume that a transition rate of 0 indicates an impossible transition, in which case a value of NA will be used in relevant calculations. Specifically, the arguments posU and posR are specified by the logical expressions (matU > 0) and (matR > 0), respectively. If the matrix population model includes transitions that are estimated to be 0 but still in fact possible, one should specify the posU and/or posR arguments manually.

Excluding stages

It may be desirable to exclude one or more stages from the calculation of certain vital rates. For instance, a user might not believe that 'growth' to a dormant stage class really reflects biological growth, in which case the user could exclude transitions to the dormant stage class using the argument exclude_row. The user may or may not want to ignore 'growth' transitions from the dormant stage class, which can be done using exclude_col. The argument exclude_col effectively just coerces the respective vital rate to NA, to prevent it from getting used in subsequent calculations. To exclude transitions both to and from a given set of stages, use argument exclude.


Patrick Barks <[email protected]>

See Also

Other vital rates: vital_rates(), vr, vr_mat


# create example MPM (stage 4 is dormant)
matU <- rbind(
  c(0.1, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1),
  c(0, 0, 0.5, 0.4)

matR <- rbind(
  c(0, 0.7, 1.1, 0),
  c(0, 0.3, 0.8, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  c(0, 0, 0, 0)

vr_vec_survival(matU, exclude_col = 4)
vr_vec_growth(matU, exclude = 4)

# `exclude*` and `*_stages` arguments can accept stage names
matU <- name_stages(matU)
matR <- name_stages(matR)
vr_vec_shrinkage(matU, exclude = 4)
vr_vec_stasis(matU, exclude = "stage_4")

vr_vec_dorm_enter(matU, dorm_stages = 4)
vr_vec_dorm_exit(name_stages(matU), dorm_stages = "stage_4")

vr_vec_reproduction(matU, matR, exclude_col = "stage_4")